
The overall design of the client GUI is user friendly yet powerful. This interface component enables user manipulation of datasets, classification and analysis functions, and information and visualization outputs. Further analysis can be performed on the loaded layer/s (classification, density mapping, time-based tracking, and data profiling), though certain kinds of analysis are only applicable to specific web service layer types (e.g., WFS).



The classify WFS feature, as the name implies, works on Web Feature Services, due to their nature in containing attribute values and independent, clickable vector features (as opposed to rasterized images which are fuzzier in nature)

Density Mapping

The density mapping feature provides an option to select a WFS layer on which to calculate kernel density estimation (where a smoothly curved surface is fitted over each point or line feature, and surface values are higher near the clustering of features, and lower as distances increase from those clusters)

Feature Tracking

The tracking tool again takes a web service layer as input, and performs time series-based tracking along the route or direction the selected feature travels as time passes (as an animation)

Vertical Profiling

This tool involves the combination of two types of web service layers: WCS and WFS. The WCS layer provides height/elevation information, and the WFS provides the features which experience the height/elevation changes

Veiw Analysis